What Do I Know?

July 2018

“For years now Yemen has been holding its breath

 With one eye it sees the darkness

With the other it sees something new and simple

Tomorrow will be better 

Tomorrow everything will end, they say”

What Do I Know?

New dates coming up – stay tuned!


This show premiered at the Liverpool Arab Arts Festival on July 8th 2018. What Do I Know? is a new performance piece by ice&fire looking at the effects of the current war in Yemen, taking inspiration from the poetry of Amina Atiq and the reflections and realities of Khaled Ahmed, a young, self-taught English teacher living in Yemen.

Our thanks go to Khaled Ahmed for his work on this project, Anne Thwaite for programming the show at the Festival, Hayla Abdullah (Grandma) for her singing, Alaa Alsayadi also for her singing, Faiza for catering, Zaha Abdullah for Yemeni biscuits and Raidan Ameen for being involved in this project in its early stages. This project was made possible with the support of the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust. Our thanks go to Queen Mary University and Old Vic Workrooms for donating rehearsal space.

Written by Amina Atiq and Christine Bacon

Directed by Christine Bacon

Original cast Waleed Akhtar and Amina Atiq

Sound design and music by Ana Silvera

Design by Nathan King

You can watch a post-show Q+A with the creatives here
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