Children Together

(Ran 2007-2009)

Project Director: Kieran Sheehan
Lead artists: Lorna McGinty and Megan Saunders

This project worked with young people who were newly arrived or seeking asylum in collaboration – first at Praxis in Bethnal Green and then with the South London Refugee Association Youth Club.

Informal creative activities sessions for 13 – 19 year olds allowed them to explore their identity using movement, dance, drama, sound and film.

“There is a need for this project – for refugees and asylum seekers life is so full of the problems they have that space for other things doesn’t happen. The project provided the children with a breathing space, a space where they can express themselves through dance and movement and experience each other’s company. I think in such troubled lives that can be a powerful thing.” – Bethan Lant, Advice Manager at Praxis

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