
“Amazing. Love it. Had me crying with laughter.”

“The show was perfect. I was shocked, horrified and it has left me wanting to do something!”

“Excellent. A great idea exposing the arms trade in an original and funny way. I was laughing on the outside, but crying on the inside!”

In September 2017, to coincide with the the world’s largest arms fair coming to London, the #ARMINGTHEWORLD Outreach Team hit the streets to press your flesh and thank you, the generous British taxpayer, for your continued support of our efforts.

As an extra special treat we brought the stars of the most glamorous (and private!) of arms fairs to your front door, introducing you to the A-listers of our industry – those proud British products that have really been making a bang on the international arms stage. People took selfies with a fighter jet, got cosy with some tear gas and marvelled at the capabilities of our most desired warhead.

#ARMINGTHEWORLD is a co-production between ice&fire, celebrated creators of site specific theatre Teatro Vivo, and the designer takis. It brings the shadowy world of our government’s involvement in arms trading out into the light of day. Part street theatre performance, part fashion show, part interactive educational exposition, part modern day agit -prop, all in the name of raising public awareness of the significant role HM Government and the British Arms Trade play in #ARMINGTHEWORLD.

We will be touring the UK in 2018 and beyond. Have a look at the production website and get in touch for more info about bringing the show to a street near you!

Generously supported by:

 A co-production with Teatro Vivo
Cast & Creatives

Director Sophie Austin
Designer Takis
Writers Christine Bacon and Ben Chessell
Sound Designer Eleanor Isherwood
Costume Supervisor Shoni Wilkinson
Assistant Director Molly Leigh Moy
Associate Producer Matthew Schmolle
Production Manager Will Herman
Social Media Manager Arian Nik
Press Relations Borkowski
Graphic Design Sofi Lee-Henson
Research Adviser – Annecy Lax (University of Essex)
Research Adviser – Chris Rossdale (London School of Economics)

The Paveway IV Missile Jason Eddy
CS – Gas Mark Stevenson
The Eurofighter Typhoon Samantha Lawson
Rex Mensah Bediako
Zac Tom Ross-Williams
Robyn Rebecca Peyton

Partners: Greenwich & Lewisham Young People’s Theatre, The Albany, Chelsea Theatre, Stratford Circus

Also supported by the Sylvia Waddilove Foundation and the WF Southall Trust. Research and development of this project was generously supported by the MSN Trust.

Seen one of our shows recently?Let us know what you thought
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