Crocodile Seeking Refuge – an Actor’s Journey

As a college student, it is easy to live in a bubble: go to class, come home from class, go to rehearsal, come back from rehearsal, go to bed, etc. It becomes a cycle, an admittedly selfish one, where the only thing that matters is getting to where you need to be and...

It’s the same as prison, like you see on TV

A few months ago, I interviewed Faith, a 12 year old girl who was detained with her mother – twice – at Yarls Wood immigration detention centre. Her story, which will form part of a new script about immigration detention and a new viral film iceandfire is making for...

Creating a theatrical space creates a community

Reading Sara’s blog last week, I was pleased to learn that iceandfire have already received further requests for their new Outreach script, Getting On. At the Almeida Theatre on March 12th, we had been privileged to see a collection of nuanced and tender performances...
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